BiOS revolutionizes today the world of the protective helmets. We know that things will change in this field thanks to our work and to the BiOS concept. In the same time we also know that the applications field of the BiOS concept is extremely wide. We shall confidentially examine your projects of cooperation in various fields and on various markets as well in France as abroad. Our know-how is unique because it extends from the scientific neuro-traumatology up to the manufacturing process while involving the design, the CAD and other highly qualified skills. If you appreciate our work and if you wish to take part to our effort to improve the protective capabilities of the helmets, you are welcome. Do not hesitate to contact us. We are always attentive to your remarks, questions or suggestions particularly concerning your different market requirements.
Our patents prove the novelty of the BiOS concept. Meanwhile we keep our know-how open and available for all those interested in cooperating with us. You can participate to the development of new specific applications for your own markets or simply distribute our models under your own trademark.
